For many weeks now, people across the world have had to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic and their experience of the many, often vastly differing, measures put into place to manage it. Based upon what our clients here at Mindfulness Leicester are saying, the most controversial of these has been the Lockdown, with people calling and expressing anger, fear or both.
Anger and fear almost always arise as a direct reaction to situations that we perceive as threatening, painful or distressing. However, the Mindfulness Leicester approach is that it isn’t the things that happen to us that cause distress and difficulty but how we relate to them.
We would contend that anger comes about from frustrated expectations and that fear largely consists of finding fault with the future. If we can be in, accept and learn from our moment by moment experience, letting go of the need for things to be different, we might find that life flows much more smoothly.
A good starting point might be to reframe our language. Instead of thinking of lockdown self-isolation and ‘bubbles’, could we not think of me time, downtime and quality time with loved ones?
Our mind is the root of our happiness and joy; if we can foster an attitude of calm acceptance, we might find that contentment is our greatest wealth.
If you would like to learn more about our approach to the challenges and opportunities of life, have a look at our Power and Peace of Meditation one day course here , or our Journey to Mindfulness eight-session course here.